Receiving from the Moon: A Full Moon Crystal Ritual
So often, we’re in “doing” mode.
Even with our rituals, meditations, healing activations, there’s some kind of active purpose or intention. Something we’re seeking to achieve.
Endless cycles of doing (including giving, creating, manifesting…) become depleting.
We need the ebb as well as the flow, the take as well as the give, in order to remain in balance.
This year so far has taken a lot from people, and will still be asking for more.
So whenever possible we need to rest, replenish, receive, in order to keep healing, creating, manifesting the change we wish to see in ourselves and the world.
When I tuned in to the energy of today’s full moon in Aquarius (that went exact at 11:59 am ET), a ritual of non-doing came through:
“Just receive, receive nourishment from the moonlight. Let it activate and enhance your senses. Let it purify and replenish your spirit.
Refill the well, and let divine light envelope and hold you.”
When was the last time you just gazed upon the moon? Enamoured with her light, her mystery, her wonder? There is a magic to her, there’s no doubt.
She is the light shining through the darkness. The muse of poets, artists, philosophers, dreamers, sorcerers, and shamans, since ancient times.
Has wonder lost its value in our modern age? It’s what sparks the imagination, ignites passion, suggests possibility. It invites that magical question: “What If?…”
It reminds us that there is more to this world than our day-to-day existence.
It entices us to seek out that more, and to become it.
As human beings, we are connected to all who came before us, all who are here, and all who will come after us through the universal web of consciousness, light, archetype, story, memory, hope, dreams, prayer, DNA, and spirit.
Tonight, whoever you are, wherever you are in the world, you are being invited to simply sit under the moon. Gaze at her light. Open to her magic. Sense the presence of your ancestors. Be a part of the web.
Receive the light. Receive the presence. Receive the nourishment.
Let your mind, body, feelings, spirit, soul REST.
Hold whichever crystal you feel guided to bring with you. Place a clear quartz in a bowl of water, let it soak up the light with you. Bathe with the water after, let it flow over and through you.
On this night, forget who you’re supposed to be or what you’re meant to be doing.
On this night, remember who you ARE, and that is enough.
On this night, don’t seek to work magic.
Just BE the magic.
I love you. Bless you 🙏🏻
Check out my crystal classes to broaden your practice or deepen your work with the stones in Istaria Crystallis®.