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Solace Stones: Retreating into Stone Spirit Medicine
There is a solstice occurring tomorrow, Saturday Dec. 21st.
In the northern hemisphere at dawn this will herald the rebirth of the sun and the return of the light. In the southern hemisphere at sunset there will be a gala of light meant to raise us to ascendency.
Both are rites of passage and devotion that were once held sacred by the wise ones of old.
Embracing Inner Sacred Darkness
I know the cold, dark months of the year can be hard for many, myself included. I asked the crystals once how they cope with darkness, and they replied that they carry their own light within them.
What I have learned is that there are different kinds of darkness: there's the evil kind or the scary kind, but there is also a kind that is sacred…
Crystal Medicine for Silvery Days
The dark times of the year, when the days are shortest, are hard for me. My spirits seem to droop with everything else. But I'm reminded of what a friend once said, that these were “silvery days”: When you look closer there's a magic to perceive, if you have the heart to do it.
Here are a few of my favourite crystals for the dark time of the year, and to help me find the magic in these “silvery days”…
Tapping Into the Crystalline Field of Light
One of the many teachings I’ve channeled through crystals is that all of the crystals within our Earth, together, generate one big field of energy.
This field of energy, which they call “the crystalline matrix”, rises up through the Earth and envelopes all life with its pure light and vibration…
The Stone Talker
A wee tale to share that was told to me by an amethyst elestial traveler (yes, crystals tell stories!), some of which (but not all) I shared to my school newsletter community in August. Catch the full post on my Substack.
Cellular Light Activation with Quartz Crystal
I’ve been talking a lot this past while about how crystals activate the ancient memory in our cells and the light codes in our DNA, and now I’d like to show instead of tell:
I’m going to lead you through activating your prime cellular state (light activation) with a quartz crystal.
What it means, put simply, is rapidly increasing your vibration and raising your frequency using nothing other than quartz energy and your own consciousness... It enables you to perform with greater capacity and heightened ability.
What is Crystal Alchemy?
Crystal alchemy is a spiritual form of crystal healing. It combines the channeling of crystal energy with a higher consciousness to effect positive change in our:
unconscious minds
shadow selves
and cellular memory
In other words: the intangible parts of ourselves that are harder to perceive, access, or understand, and yet can have a massive impact on our lives.
The Moldavite Codes: Pt. 2
This is a continuation from my last post: “The Moldavite Codes: Part 1”, in which I promised to share more about the 5D people of moldavite’s origin planet, what they were like, and the light maps they left behind for us to follow. - Part of the Crystal Codes series posted exclusively on Substack.
Rhodonite in the Shark Belly: Healing Ancestral Abundance Blocks with Crystals
Whenever we are going through phases of growth, change, expansion, becoming, it is inevitable that fears or obstacles will come up as a part of that process.
Like the dragon in the fairytales, it’s often facing + overcoming a great challenge that catalyzes our transformation and initiates us into a new level of wisdom, understanding, and power.
My symbolic fairytale “dragon” is a shark in spirit form - a great white shark, to be exact.
The Moldavite Codes - Part 1 - The Origin Story
Where did it come from and why is it here? Channelings from the spirit of Moldavite - Part of the Crystal Codes series posted exclusively on Substack.