Start remembering who and what you are, release the burdens + karma you carry, reignite your spark.
Where your soul leads, the crystals will follow.
We heal, but we remember, and the wisdom gained from our experiences is what enables us to help others rise, too.
I’ve been spiritual since birth, in fact I nearly died while still in the womb, and this Druidic rite of passage opened me to see through the veils and walk between the realms - two talents that have helped me navigate a challenging world.
Perhaps that’s why I’ve always believed in resurrection.
For me this path has always been about more than self-improvement: I’ve wanted to master my reality. To co-create a life of joy, fulfillment, peace. To embody my potential. To define myself on my own terms.
Healers are like the Phoenix: We rise from the ashes of our pain, wounds, suffering, into the glory and light of greater possibility.
I haven’t just survived an abusive childhood, bullying, addiction, poverty, anxiety, dysmorphia, and depression, I have overcome. I healed because I had to. It seemed impossible to me that we couldn’t transform, that we couldn’t become our dream.
The first thing I wanted to be when I grew up was magical, and my work was born of the die-hard belief in the magic of healing, the very real possibility of something more to this world and this life beyond what we’ve been conditioned to accept.
It wasn’t easy building a full-time crystal healing practice in New York City in the early 2000’s, there was a lot of skepticism. Spirituality and energy work was “hoakie”, “mystic jelly”, not something that could actually help anybody.
And yet, every time a client left my healing space they got better, so much so that they kept referring people and my practice grew and grew.
I understood that spiritual work must move beyond the mystic jelly experience in order to truly enrich our lives. There must always be a practical approach, even with the transcendental, and the results have to be real and lasting.
The crystals have been my healers, my teachers, and my allies for 20+ years. They’ve never let me down. In fact, looking back I can assuredly say they helped save my life. Everything I teach is channeled through the crystals – it is the great honor of my life.
I now live my dream.
I’ve gone from a 3-story walkup in Queens to a magical house with fairy garden at the edge of an enchanted woods. I live every day how I choose. While there’s always more to heal, there’s also always more to enjoy, and when life presents its challenges, I have the spiritual support I need to overcome.
“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” Well, I’m quite fond of dragons, but I get what he means: We are the light that can overcome the darkness. We just need to believe. We need to remember.
This I know to be true.
Divinely channeled crystal mystery school
Were you a crystal keeper in a past life, too?
If you feel drawn to working more deeply with crystals, it's highly likely that you've worked with them in that way in the past.
Other lifetimes, other paths you've walked before.
There were crystal keepers, mediums, and mystics in every ancient culture.
The crystals whisper that if you feel drawn to them in this lifetime, it's less about deepening into THEIR power, and more about reclaiming YOUR OWN.
Activating the memory you carry in your DNA.
Opening once again to the Mysteries.
Why? Because you serve a higher purpose in this lifetime.
Krista N. Mitchell is the author of “Crystal Reiki” and “Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love, and Luck”. For 15 years she was a full-time crystal reiki therapist and spiritual counselor in New York City before devoting her path to teaching and writing. Her training programs are based on years of intensive field-work, successful case studies, and interweave quantum theory, psychology, and crystal alchemy to help effect deep levels of healing and transformation. She lives in the Great Lakes area of Canada with her dogs, books, and crystals, and you can find her in her garden or out hiking in the woods when she’s not in her study.