Ascending Soul: Crystal Talisman Magic for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
We have yet another full moon lunar eclipse, this one in Capricorn, happening at 12:44am Sunday July 5th.
The download I received continues to guide us through the healing cycle and archetypal patterns initiated by the recent new moon solar eclipse.
I opened to channel and this is what first came through:
“Cycles and patterns, cycles and patterns.
The world goes round and round.
Moon in an earth sign, sun in a water sign,
The earth eclipses the water.
From fire and water, to earth and water,
Building, creating steady ground.
This is the earth forming anew under our feet.”
The moon will be in Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn, relating to building and structure and toil and triumph. Saturn is the structurer, Father Time, the sacred masculine.
The sun is in Cancer, a water sign ruled by the moon, relating to the home, family nurturing, the emotions, intuition, imagination, and the sacred feminine.
Capricorn builds the world. Cancer builds a world of its own, within.
The sacred feminine is the energy, the flow.
The sacred masculine forms the metaphysical structure or vessel.
It is a time of creating.
This will be a very magical eclipse, one that can initiate us into a new way of being - individually, and collectively.
Don’t miss out if this calls to you and speaks to your soul, because it means your time of becoming is now.
As was mentioned in my previous article on the new moon solar eclipse in Cancer, we have begun the Descent into the shadow, the underworld, bringing light into the darker aspects of ourselves in order to effect and embody deep healing and change.
The fire of volcanic lava meets water, forms earth. Now we continue with the flow and cycle of the previous moon phase into this full moon lunar eclipse.
With this coming phase, the earth is now forming beneath our feet. But like the water, we still need to find our way up through the earth to the surface, to the light, and we’ll need to clear what’s blocking us along the way.
The Ascent
Photo: malith d karunarathne @malithdk
This moon phase is ushering in what came through to me as a “re-genesis”, a time when we re-create our world (outer and inner) from a sacred feminine, intuitive, emotional place.
This is exciting! But it demands that we have the courage to fully embrace living, choosing, and being in a new way:
We need to feel our way through, and we need to completely trust our inner guidance as we re-emerge.
We have to be willing to let go of the mind-based, patriarchal, ego-dominated structures that have governed us all for so long.
It shifts us permanently out of our conditioned comfort zones. It is truly badass.
The moon is the light shining through the darkness, dreams, the subconscious. She leads the way.
And the eclipse is the shadow, magnetically pulling us into our darker places and the deep wounds that need healing.
The big guiding question leading up to this eclipse is: Where is earth blocking our water - our feelings? Our intuition? Our flow?
We cannot move forward, ascend, individually or collectively unless we are willing to release what is burdening us and holding us back.
Before we can reemerge from the descent, the underworld, the shadow, we have to let something go.
In the tales of old (which are the records of human archetype and behavior), before the avatar can return to the upper world, the world of the living, they must make a sacrifice.
Odin, the All-Father from Norse mythology, plucked out an eye and threw it in Mimir’s well, that he might see the truth. Perephone, in Greek mythology, agreed to 6 months in the Underworld with her husband, Hades, in exchange for spending 6 months above ground with her beloved mother, Demeter. And in Celtic mythology, the God consort of the Goddess must age and die, to be born anew at the winter solstice. The Goddess is eternal, but the God must perpetuate the continuing cycles of seasons and of birth/death/rebirth.
Cycles and patterns. But like the sacred spiral 🌀 we also find ourselves in a new place every time, because the experience has changed us, healed us, forced us to grow.
The Crystal Talisman Ritual
To the point: this world cannot heal and change through the same old ideas, stories, structures, and leadership.
We need to birth new ideas, new stories, new leaders, and new structures that support them all.
This means we must heal and shift within ourselves the old patterns, beliefs, and limitations that are keeping us from being the healers, leaders, and storytellers the world needs us to be.
The guidance I received was pretty clear: This is not about “shining your light”, it’s about bravely fucking reclaiming it.
The purpose of the talisman ritual is to work with a chosen crystal to help guide you within, to what is blocking you but that you are ready to let go, in order to reemerge or be reborn as the person you were meant to be.
Admittedly it is not for anyone for whom this doesn’t resonate - only for those who feel ready to answer the Call.
Definition of talisman:
1: an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune
2: something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects
"...from a single Arabic word for a charm, tilsam. Tilsam in turn can be traced to the ancient Greek verb telein, which means "to initiate into the mysteries."
What you will need:
A chosen *crystal as your talisman. You will also need a small dish of salt.
*Note: in order to be drawn to the right crystal to work with, first close your eyes and focus on the purpose or intention of this ritual. When you feel the energy of that intention inside you, go to your crystals and trust which one you feel guided to work with or physically pulled to first. And don’t worry, the crystal will be choosing YOU, not the other way around, so there will be no mistakes.
You will also need a candle and matches (or even flashlight!) to symbolically light your way. And if it is part of your lineage, a drum, rattle, or meditation music to enhance your ritual and further aid you in dropping into a meditative or light trance state.
Any time within 6 hours either before the eclipse goes exact (12:44am ET Sunday July 5th) or after, if you wish to work with eclipse energy. Otherwise this ritual can be done at any time.
Hold your crystal talisman in your receptive (non-dominant) hand, and your dish of salt in the dominant. Breathe deeply, and allow yourself to relax into a meditative state. Drum, rattle, hum, or chant if this is part of your lineage.
Drop deep within the self, and imagine yourself sitting in a crystalline cavern deep within the earth. The crystals gently glow and hum, you can feel their vibration gently rippling through your body. You can hear the tinkling of their magic. They are aware of you, and you are aware of them. They are creating a safe healing space for your ritual.
Invite the presence of your shadow. Neither fear nor judge it, as it is an essential part of you. Ask it to show you the burden you must release, the block you must clear in order to be more whole. Allow feelings, thoughts, and memories float to the surface. Allow yourself to witness, and be willing to release.
When you feel ready, breathe deeply, and imagine that as you do, the energy of your crystal talisman flows into your body. Let it fill you up inside, and upon the exhalation, allow your talisman energy to push that which you are releasing, your limitation, block, or shadow aspect, into your dish of salt. The salt represents the earth element, allow the salt to absorb the energy of your “sacrifice” so that you may ascend. You can also breathe the energy of your sacrifice into the dish of salt, if you feel called to do so.
When you feel complete, set down your dish, and light your candle. Allow the light and the energy of your talisman to gently guide you back up through the earth, back to the upper world of the living and the light.
Take time to allow the transformation to take hold, for embodiment, and then bring your dish to a source of running water (a tap at the sink is just fine!). Pour the salt into the running water, and watch it and your sacrifice dissolve. Let the water cleanse your spirit, let freedom flow.
Clear your totem crystal. Wear it or sleep with it under your pillow for a full lunar cycle (until the next full moon).
Pay special attention to any signs, dreams, prophecy, intuitions, feelings, or ideas guiding you forward on your spiral path. Follow what resonates for you. Trust what you feel. Become more fully who you were meant to be.
Know that you are fierce, needed, and that we are all grateful to you. Thank you and blessings, dear one 🙏🏻
Hold one or more in your receptive hand to receive their frequencies, with the quartz pointing in towards your body. Let the above feelings + energy build inside you, filling and energizing every part of your being til it sparkles.
Let your heart beat in rhythm to their vibrations. Breathe in their sunlight and joy.
When you're buzzing from the feels, next hold them in your dominant hand with the quartz pointing out from your body, and focus on your vision.
See it, feel it, believe it. Visualize or imagine the actions you're taking towards it. Let your spirit and the very atoms of your cells align with the energy of your vision.
Going forward, meditate with them or wear them over your golden-crowned heart while boldly, courageously, pursuing your dream.
BEcome more of YOU, bright soul.
Blessings be 🙏🏻