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Solace Stones: Retreating into Stone Spirit Medicine
There is a solstice occurring tomorrow, Saturday Dec. 21st.
In the northern hemisphere at dawn this will herald the rebirth of the sun and the return of the light. In the southern hemisphere at sunset there will be a gala of light meant to raise us to ascendency.
Both are rites of passage and devotion that were once held sacred by the wise ones of old.
Creating Space for Spirit to Enter: Crystals + Intermittent Silence
I recently read an article in a health magazine about intermittent silence: a practice you can do in as little as 10 minutes per day to allow your mind to pause and rest. You close your mouth and your eyes, and simply listen to the sounds around you while silently watching your thoughts. This gives your brain a break from processing, thereby reducing the effects of overstimulation (including stress or feelings of overwhelm)…
The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide
This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.
Crystal Healing for Pandemic Fatigue
The concern is that all of this will push us collectively to a mental health breaking point - but it doesn’t have to, we can find healthy ways to respond that will help pull us, our families, and our communities through, better and stronger!
Here are some crystal healing practices + suggestions that can help you…
Working with Crystals at the Liminal Point of Consciousness
In Druid lore, the liminal point was sacred — a threshold between realms, time, space, and consciousness. In our modern age, we’re more familiar with trance, hypnosis, psychedelics, and meditative states when it comes to working with the liminal point, but the value and boon of threshold magic has never left human experience.
Allowing Fear to be Your Teacher: Crystal Healing for the Scorpio New Moon
Scorpio is all about the dark places, the hidden and unseen, our innermost motivations and desires. It’s intensity, death, lust, magick, psychism, power, deep emotions, and manifestation.
Crystal Therapy for Healing Heartbreak
I'm not a believer in what I call "cookie-cutter" crystal healing. In other words: one standard crystal layout meets all needs. Here’s a crystal layout I built for heartbreak and total transparency: I’m basing this particular practice client case study on myself.
Crystals for Mercury Retrograde + the Pisces New Moon
While many people focus on the negatives when in Mercury retro, there are a lot of positive aspects, but in order to benefit from them you need to be able to stay grounded and go with the flow.
Easy Morning Crystal Ritual
Even if it’s just taking five minutes to tune in to myself, center, and connect with my soul or the Universe, those five minutes can initiate a palpable energy shift that can help set up my whole day for the better.
Trailblazer: Crystals + Akashic Guidance for the New Moon Solar Eclipse 2019
Key question for this new moon solar eclipse: Are you ready to blaze a new trail or be a pioneer in some way in your life?