Creating Space for Spirit to Enter: Crystals + Intermittent Silence
I recently read an article in a health magazine about intermittent silence: a practice you can do in as little as 10 minutes per day to allow your mind to pause and rest.
You close your mouth and your eyes, and simply listen to the sounds around you while silently watching your thoughts.
This gives your brain a break from processing, thereby reducing the effects of overstimulation (including stress or feelings of overwhelm).
Researchers are now saying that this practice can play a significant role in improving our health, well-being, and spirituality.
This practice appealed to me for two reasons: One, it’s simple, no meditation skills required, and two, the stones have taught me that silence creates a space where Spirit can enter.
One of the core teachings shared by the stones in my Istaria Crystallis® course was that, when we enter into a place of inner silence, we become grounded in the light of our soul and we open gateways to Spirit.
Spirit comes from the Latin spiritus, which means breath/spirit. In silence, we breathe, and Spirit enters us on the breath.
Energies and consciousness can move into a space of silence, within which we can then experience transformation, healing, or enlightenment.
It is an exceptionally powerful practice, one that helps bring us back into alignment with our true selves, and opens us up to the Universe and the Divine.
It also brings us into our sovereignty - in other words, back into our power.
So with intermittent silence, even if you just take 10 minutes to shut your brain down and breathe, you’re allowing Spirit to enter and you’re grounding in the light of your soul.
Crystal Allies
There are many crystals that can help to enhance and support this practice for you, whether you’d like to open to receive higher guidance, restore from burnout, experience the stillness, or if you are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety.
Here are a few of my top picks:
Surrendering to Guidance
As I mentioned, silence is the space in which Spirit can enter. My stone guides recently told me to “stop asking questions!”, and instead journey or channel in a space of silence.
It was in that moment that visions began to appear, and the guidance I was hoping to receive was shown to me without any efforting - just from being quiet and open.
This is an example of how energies, and Spirit, can enter when we create the space for them to do so.
Crystals for surrendering to guidance:
Cathedral Quartz
Elestial Quartz
Black Tourmaline
Healer’s Gold
Cathedral Quartz (higher power, enlightenment, divine guidance)
Elestial Quartz (angelic frequencies, karmic release, sovereignty)
Nuummite (spiritual mastery, starseeds, ancient knowledge)
Black Tourmaline (spiritual alignment, non-attachment, clear channels)
Healer’s Gold (spiritual sovereignty, divine will, self-knowledge)
You can also trust any stone that you feel intuitively guided to hold in this practice.
These crystals all help you to come into alignment with your soul, and open clear channels to higher divine spirits and healing guidance.
Set a timer for 5 - 10 minutes or more.
Hold one or more crystals in your hands.
Close your mouth, close your eyes, open your heart and ears.
Allow each breath to guide you deeper into yourself, your soul, and then invite Spirit (or God/dess or higher power you espouse) to enter on the breath.
Interestingly enough, deeply mystical experiences can happen in only a few minutes (but feel much longer).
Inviting Peace While Reducing Stress or Anxiety
Quiet relief. A moment to breathe. A blessed disconnect from the harried pace of your day…
Crystals to reduce stress or anxiety and invite peace
Rose Quartz
Apophyllite (higher perspective, freedom from fear/ego, serenity),
Moonstone (gentleness, intuition, peace),
Chrysocolla (compassion, flow, soothing),
Rose Quartz (self love, nurturing, sweetness),
Scolecite (harmony, benevolence, geniality).
Also trust any stone that you feel intuitively guided to hold in this practice.
These crystals emit frequencies of peace, love, nourishment, benevolence, and compassion.
Set a timer for 5 - 10 minutes or more.
Hold one or more crystals in your hands. Close your mouth, close your eyes, open your heart and ears.
Let the sounds of the world flit around you as you settle into softness inside. Just breathe. You have nothing else to do in this moment.
Burnout or Overwhelm Recovery
A balm for frayed nerves. A lift from the tiredness. A gentle replenishment of energy to help you through your day.
Crystals for burnout and overwhelm
Red Calcite
Blue Calcite
Green Calcite
Mangano Calcite
Red Calcite (detox, refreshment, clears stagnant energy)
Blue Calcite (sooting, calming, healing)
Green Calcite (revitalizing, energizing, emotional relief)
Mangano Calcite (acceptance, surrender, recovery)
Magnetite (Earthing, empowering, energy recycler)
Also trust any stone that you feel intuitively guided to hold in this practice.
Calcites are the unsung heroes of crystal healing – they’re not sexy or high frequency, but what they offer is gentleness, slow but steady pace, the easing of symptoms, and an influx of healing energy.
Magnetite helps us to connect with and receive more vital energy from the Earth.
Set a timer for 5 - 10 minutes or more.
Hold one or more crystals in your hands. Close your mouth, close your eyes, open your heart and ears. Let the sounds of the world flit around you as you settle into softness inside. Just breathe. You have nothing else to do in this moment.
If you can, allow this practice to be a juicy moment in your day when you can give back to and nurture yourself.
Thank your brain for all it does for you, and give it a blessed break - some tend to vilify the mind in spiritual practice, but it provides great service to us, it deserves acknowledgement, appreciation and healing, just like the rest of our spirit/body.
Consider it a 5-10 (or more!) minute retreat into your soul and spirit – the beneficial effects and impact on all levels of your health, not to mention the experience of your day, just might amaze you!
I know that at the end of last year many of us entered into what my crystalline guides call “a burning phase” – a time of archetypal descent where we’ve had to face challenges, hard truths, and shadow in our lives.
These times, while hard, dark, or heavy, deepen us in ways that good times don’t, and the wisdom we gain and the power we reclaim in the process is essential to our evolving humanity…