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Cellular Light Activation with Quartz Crystal
Crystal Alchemy Krista N. Mitchell Crystal Alchemy Krista N. Mitchell

Cellular Light Activation with Quartz Crystal

I’ve been talking a lot this past while about how crystals activate the ancient memory in our cells and the light codes in our DNA, and now I’d like to show instead of tell:

I’m going to lead you through activating your prime cellular state (light activation) with a quartz crystal.

What it means, put simply, is rapidly increasing your vibration and raising your frequency using nothing other than quartz energy and your own consciousness... It enables you to perform with greater capacity and heightened ability.

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Past Life Contracts in Your DNA Codes
Crystal Alchemy, Energy Clearing Krista N. Mitchell Crystal Alchemy, Energy Clearing Krista N. Mitchell

Past Life Contracts in Your DNA Codes

I had a client who, for years, was plagued by a dark spiritual presence. Since childhood it had provoked, manipulated, and blocked her from exploring her natural healing + mediumship gifts.

She’d hired several shamans and psychics over the years to clear the spirit, but it would always come back. She had started to give up hope that it would ever be cleared, or that it would ever be safe for her to open up more, spiritually-speaking.

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Crystal Alchemy Krista N. Mitchell Crystal Alchemy Krista N. Mitchell


Do you remember when I first started sharing my crystal channelings on YouTube back in 2016?

I was outing my “weird”, and sharing firsthand how the crystals spoke to me, the journey’s they’d take me on, the guides I’d meet along the way…

The first time I ever channeled through a stone was in 2006 with black tourmaline.

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The Life-Changing Magic of Crystal Alchemy
Spirituality, Crystal Files Krista N. Mitchell Spirituality, Crystal Files Krista N. Mitchell

The Life-Changing Magic of Crystal Alchemy

Dating back to the times of antiquity, of ancient Egypt and Greece (and before), to the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, and the secret mystery schools of Goddess sects, healers, and holy temples, alchemy has been around for a long-ass time.

Alchemy is more than a chemical science: it is also a philosophy. It is a belief that through the workings of consciousness one can transcend from base human experience to that of divine illumination.

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Crystal Keys and the Mystical Realms They Open
Spirituality, Crystal Files Krista N. Mitchell Spirituality, Crystal Files Krista N. Mitchell

Crystal Keys and the Mystical Realms They Open

When I first started channeling through the stones I was already familiar with their spirits, their teachings and wisdom, their Earth medicine.

What blew me away was that I would also encounter other spirits, or have visions of other mystical realms. That’s when the game really changed for me - that’s when the idea for my crystal mediumship program was born.

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4 Crystals That Take You 5D
Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell

4 Crystals That Take You 5D

I know that channeling + journeying through crystals seems far out… But if you think about it:

Medicine people from cultures the world over have been doing this since ancient times: channeling and traveling through the gateways opened by crystals, herbs, sound frequencies, or movements to induce trance. And people the world over train in journey work because it helps them and their communities live healthier, more enriched lives.

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