Crystalline Light Grid + Eclipse Prophecy
Crystals are keepers of ancient memory + teachings that have been encoded in light, through consciousness and vibration, throughout the Earth’s history and its many civilizations.
Many ancients, including the most evolved, could gaze down the timelines into the future and marked eclipses of importance that they saw as being pivotal turning points in the world’s history.
This solar eclipse coming up on Monday, April 8th 2024 is one of them.
This eclipse will be activating dormant light codes in our DNA, both shadow and also radiant, that will present us with a massive healing + spiritual awakening opportunity.
As the crystal’s always say: “You get to choose” - Will you imprint your life + consciousness with light or dark? That will all be up to your thoughts, feelings, choices, and beliefs on that day.
Below is the message, or prophecy if you will, and near the end a powerful energetic practice you can work with the energy + consciousness of your crystals and sacred geometry to establish a powerful light grid in your energetic field.
This is a once in a lifetime thing, so if you can, please make the best of it, and trust what truth resonates to your soul – your soul always knows!
[Now begins a channeled message from the collective crystal consciousness that I received through amethyst + quartz elestial]
Whether you're in the path of the eclipse or not, the energies of the eclipse will be invoking a type of initiation within you: A darkness you need to face, and a radiance for you to embrace.
Encoded in your DNA are shadow codes from past lifetimes - some of this is karma, some of this is a wound it's time to heal, or an ancient fear that must be faced.
You need not fear your fear! Indeed, that is its only power over you.
Encoded in your DNA are also radiant codes: Creator energy, soul design (including archtype and blueprint), and your own untapped potential.
This eclipse is coming at a pivotal time in humanity, foreseen throughout the ages, where some will fall into greater darkness, while others will evolve into greater light.
It is all part of the ascension process, and you get to choose.
The solar eclipse on Monday will be activating dormant codes in your DNA and the dormant potential within you.
The invitation is to be quietly inward, still, centred in your soul and focused on the good things in life and in your world that you are dreaming into being.
Meditation. Contemplation. Quiet. Solitude.
What will activate for you is a power or ability you had forgotten but that remains a part of your soul blueprint, for example:
· Heightened vision or awareness.
· Psychic sight.
· Prophecy.
· Enhanced dream states.
· Kindness, unconditional love.
· Telekinesis.
· Telepathy.
· Mediumship, including speaking and understanding light language.
· Manifestation through voice or thought.
· Soul memory, plans, or purpose revealed.
· Artistic, creative, healing, or athletic abilities.
· Spiritual ascension to higher dimensional thought.
· Starseed alliances, to name a few…
An expansion in consciousness, for those of you who approach this day mindfully, is guaranteed.
What is not guaranteed is violence - don't let the fear mongers get to you!
By all means avoid crowds, if you can, but this is an opportunity, a choice point, in your evolutionary process.
Some questions for you to contemplate on the day:
If you could envision a better world, what would it look like?
If you could have one superpower, what would it be, and why?
If there was one thing that you could manifest, that would make every part of your life more blessed, what would it be? And how can you open to receive it?
This eclipse is a trigger for both collective and individual DNA activation.
You cannot spiritually bypass the darkness that it will invoke, but you can face it with light.
You can imprint the day, and your energetic field, with joy, dreams, love, opportunity, and the reality of a better future as created in the present.
Remember that the doubting mind is not your ally, it is the mechanism by which you stay stuck in suffering.
Open to the dreaming, and the magic of the stay will be yours.
Trust in the impossible - all life is “impossible”, but it happens anyway.
An etheric light grid for you:
Top: The merkaba
Bottom: Metatron’s cube
Clear your energy.
Eat simply and cleanly.
Hold a selenite piece and open to the high divine energies of light. Let them flow through you, down into the Earth, and back up again. Practice a few times until you feel a clear energy flow.
Now hold a clear quartz crystal and gaze upon the merkabah. Ask it to imprint in your energetic field, and then spin in a counter-rotation.
Summon the Earth’s crystalline energy to rise up into your energetic field, surrounding and enveloping you in crystalline light.
→ Trust what you are feeling as you do this, you are not making this up!Now gaze upon Metatron’s cube. Metatron’s cube is an activator of ancient memory. It aligns and harmonizes all subtle bodies with your soul’s blueprint. It calls in divine protection and accelerates your evolutionary process.
Imagine the sacred geometric symbol imprinting in your field, in alignment with your soul’s highest plans and sovereignty, and ask that it hold for a full 24 hours starting now.
Have this in place prior to the start of the eclipse, and the only shadow you will face is your own.
Your DNA is listening, it will invoke and activate the radiant codes that are waiting within you.
Prepare for positive change! Your majesty is always your own.
With peace and love,
The collective crystal consciousness (AKA. The Luminous Ones).
In Istaria Crystallis® we journey down into the crystalline matrix – a layered energy field generated by the crystal grids in the Earth – and there we receive teachings, healing, and guidance from the Luminous Ones.
The Luminous Ones are the holograms of ancient Earth elders and prophets, including Lemurian and Atlantean ancestors, and star people, too, that are imprinted in crystals deep within the Earth.