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Scorpio Full Moon Crystals
Tonight's Scorpio full moon at 8:58pm ET initiates a phase of transformation, karmic healing, sexuality, and intense emotion.
Healing Earth Magick: Crystals + Land Spirits
To truly heal our relationship to the Earth, we have to make an effort to rejoin it, and that means consciously cultivating our relationships to the spirits of the land and nature that surround us.
Aries New Moon Crystals
This upcoming new moon in Aries (Sunday 4/15 at 9:57pm ET) delivers the energy, motivation, and guts you need for creating much needed change.
How to Work with Apophyllite
Apophyllite is a high frequency crystal of higher wisdom, higher realms, and our higher selves, that helps free us of our fear or ego-based minds, and amplifies healing energy.
Libra Full Moon Crystals
This is being viewed as a challenging moon, one that upends our sense of balance, while encouraging us to find new ways of maintaining it.
How to Work with Turquoise
Turquoise is a stone of spiritual mastery that helps mystics, healers, shamans and sages tune into the voice of Spirit, the soul, the land, and our own inner truth.
How to Work with Angelite
Angelite is a beautiful, soothing stone that is as gentle as it is powerful, connecting you with the angelic realm, and giving you an overall sense of peace and calm.
How to Unblock Your Intuition
Here's how you can unblock your intuition and make it easier to follow…
Pisces New Moon Crystals: Deep Healing for Positive Change
At this time, you may be feeling moody, blue, insightful, drawn inward, or guided to make some healing decisions in your life. It's best to honor those feelings.
How to Have a Transcendental Experience with Crystals
For years my crystal work has been focused on healing, but that’s really only one part of working with crystals. In the past while I’ve become increasingly fascinated by the spiritual development work we can do with crystal energy.
By having such experiences, we move out of our daily stories and perceptions of our (separated) selves and come in contact/reunite with that which is greater, divine, and whole (as in oneness). This has an alchemical effect on our own subatomic structure, infusing us with more light and awakening greater levels of consciousness...