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Healers & Empaths: How to Protect Yourself In Your Sleep
As our consciousness drifts on the dream and astral plane, we can encounter, interact with, and be affected by energies and spirits far removed from our own on the physical plane.
How To Work With Blue Kyanite
Blue kyanite is a crystal of mastery that helps you with self-expression, clarity of thought, come up with new ideas, hear your intuition, and recover more quickly from colds and sore throats.
A Moment For Your Soul To Surface & Breathe
Here are some ways you can let go and let the light of your soul shine (tip: they all involve unplugging from media and devices for a tick)…
How To Work With Lithium Quartz
Lithium is my absolute fave, #1 choice to work with when experiencing moments of high anxiety, anxiety attacks, high stress, or emotional upset.
How To Work With Tourmalined Quartz
Tourmaline quartz is quartz that has either strands, fibers, or bars of black tourmaline formed within it. It’s an excellent crystal for purification, energy clearing, and restorative for the aura.
How To Work With Infinite
Infinite (a form of serpentine) is a powerful stone that helps to clear and rebalance the aura, reboot your energy, and connect you with nature spirits.
How To Work With Staurolite
Staurolite is stone of magic that dramatically heightens your psychic abilities, helps you to see through the veils into other realms, connect with mystical beings, spirits, elementals and the dead, and protects you while doing astral travel and spirit journey work.
How To Work With Chrysanthemum Stone
Chrysanthemum stone is a clay-based stone that helps attract good fortune, wealth, increase your ability for manifestation, and help you shift into a positive mood.
How To Work With Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is a high frequency crystal that helps to neutralize and clear negative energy, and protect you from harmful vibes.
How To Charge Quartz With Your Intention
Quartz can be charged or charmed (what many people refer to as "programming") to work according to a specific intention, or to channel any kind of energy you wish.