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How to Spot & Stop a Psychic Bully
A classic example of psychic bullying is when someone either intuitively or energetically violates your boundaries.
8 Ways to Spot Signs and Messages from the Universe
Our Consciousness is in a constant conversation with the Universe. This is how our reality is formed around us. Our Consciousness also skips ahead a few beats to help prepare us for what’s coming next, which it then communicates to us through our intuition and other senses.
The Positive Spin on Mercury Retrograde
Yes, you read that correctly: If we approach it from a different perspective, we can delight in Mercury Retrograde. Here's how:
How to Make Your Own Crystal Tonics & Gem Waters
The key thing to making your own infusions or tonics is safety; many crystals are toxic, or can be damaged or dissolve easily in water.
How to Work Eclipse Energy for Personal Transformation
The eclipses inject powerful energy into our experiences that often shake things up and trigger transformation.
Crystals that Clear the Energy in Your Space
As we approach spring cleaning time, don't forget that the energy of your space needs clearing, too!
The Healing Power of a Quiet Moment
While we talk about the impact our own energy, the energy of a space, and the energy of other people has on us, we don’t talk as much about the energy of the internet and its impact on our systems.
Year of the Monkey - What You Need To Know About This Year's Energy
WELCOME TO THE YEAR OF THE MONKEY! I’ve heard many good things about this year in terms of the possibilities of success, transformation, abundance, and opportunity, which is wonderful news! This year is said to be one that will be challenging, turbulent, (but on a high note) will be all in how you make it.
My Date With The Mad Russian - How Owning Your Truth Gives You Power
It takes such courage to just be who you are, trust in your purpose and do the work you do, whatever it may be.
Waking at 3 a.m.? Here's What it Could Mean (and What to Do About It)
3 a.m. is the time of night when the veils are thinnest (some call it "the witching hour") and sensitive people are most likely to experience spiritual disturbances and/or dark presences at that time.