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Crystal Healing Support for Loss & Grief
In many ways grief in such a tender and sacred thing. We carry it with us like a fragile egg that breaks over and over again with a deep in-welling, and then outpouring, of pain and emotion. It comes in waves, and can leave us feeling unmoored, cast adrift, lost at sea without wanting to be found.In this week’s blog post I share some crystals that created this space for me, that helped carry my grief when I couldn’t alone, that helped bring comfort and faith and a solitary connection to Spirit.
Your Root is Evolving! Crystals to Help You Adapt + Thrive
There was something I learned years ago when I was training as a healer: If the energy centre at your root (at the base of your spine) is out of balance, then everything else will end up out of balance, too.
The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide
This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.
Crystal Solstice + Eclipse Magic: The Descent of the Sacred Warrior
I experienced a powerful download yesterday. I was in my garden with my sceptre quartz, tuning into the energies of the solstice and the upcoming new moon in cancer + solar eclipse. What I received was an insight into the archetypal cycles, nature, and stories of humanity, and how they’re playing out now on a cosmic scale.
Crystals for When You're Not Ok
It's ok to not feel ok right now. Or to have good days and bad.
You don't need to have this handled. To be a grounded god/dess. To be riding the wave of this energy like a MF.
We all need healing in so many ways, and there will be time for that, but here are some core crystals that can support you right now.
For those of you who don't have the time (or headspace) to read a long blog post, I've got them listed in a short summary right here…
Crystals + Practices to Maintain Spiritual Alignment
The energy of 2020 is lined up to help us build our foundation for the next level of our success, fulfillment, Grace, health, new phase or story, but the key is setting this foundation in a way that is in alignment with our true heart’s desires and souls.
Scorpio Full Moon: A Crystal Healing Ritual for Deep Transformation
So you’ve got choices in how you want to work this Scorpio full moon energy: is there some deep desire you’d like to have manifest, or is there something you wish to be freed from?