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Crystal Therapy for Your Nervous System (which is under attack)
Crystal Healing 101, Spirituality, Health Krista N. Mitchell Crystal Healing 101, Spirituality, Health Krista N. Mitchell

Crystal Therapy for Your Nervous System (which is under attack)

The human nervous system is a divinely designed system to communicate and channel information + energy. It receives, interprets, and responds to what’s happening in our internal and external environments. It is more than “just” a complex circuitry in the body, it is a conscious interface between ourselves, our world, and the Universe – it is what allows our souls to inhabit and animate our bodies and to function in our multi-dimensional existence.

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The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide

The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide

This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.

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Crystal Healing for Pandemic Fatigue

Crystal Healing for Pandemic Fatigue

The concern is that all of this will push us collectively to a mental health breaking point - but it doesn’t have to, we can find healthy ways to respond that will help pull us, our families, and our communities through, better and stronger!

Here are some crystal healing practices + suggestions that can help you…

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Angelite Anxiety Relief Meditation
Emotional Healing, Health, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell Emotional Healing, Health, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell

Angelite Anxiety Relief Meditation

Scroll to the bottom of this post for a (free) separate audio file of just the meditation, for those of you who would like to download it to your devices and work with it regularly.

Angelite is a high-frequency crystal that helps bring us into the soothing presence of Spirit. It acts like a filter for the mind, helping to create a sense of calm, order, and connection to the present moment, allowing us to tune out the noise, static, or “monkey-mind” that adds to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety.

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